If you are thinking of buying property anywhere in Greece, make sure and be absolutely certain that you really, really, REALLY know very well the area, island or other, through the whole year, e.g. the charming little island in the summer, has very few inhabitants in winter, and services may be lacking, ship services may be interrupted due to weather etc.

Live there for a year, before making sure that you believed before and socialize, make friends, establish a “credit” of good will with the locals… unfortunately there are places where mass tourism and easy money has corrupted people…
a) having made sure that you are buying, find a reputable lawyer to inform you on all the legal aspects of the transaction,
b) find a reputable civil engineer to inform you on the requirements of any structures you plan on building or repairing and the cost for this and finally
c)try to find and make very good friends that you can trust to have on your side and who can help you with the lawyers/engineers/etc you will need. It helps if you can also find people from your home country that have been through the experience themselves.
Best wishes for your adventure…