Discover everything about Cretan wines with our partner “Wine Tours” , you can visit and learn with real oenologists, to get all the explanations, but for sure to taste. By booking your wonderful trip (and/or meals) as our customers in Holiday House Cretan Sun you will receive 5% discount of your stay in our house, […]

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
It can be challenging to stay healthy while on vacation. You’re likely adjusting to a new time zone and eating several meals out. Stressful flight or insufficient sleep may have a bad impact on your health conditions. So follow the advice we list below to protect your health.

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
It can be challenging to stay healthy while on vacation. You’re likely adjusting to a new time zone and eating several meals out. Stressful flight or insufficient sleep may have a bad impact on your health conditions. So follow the advice we list below to protect your health.

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
It can be challenging to stay healthy while on vacation. You’re likely adjusting to a new time zone and eating several meals out. Stressful flight or insufficient sleep may have a bad impact on your health conditions. So follow the advice we list below to protect your health.